bfgminer | | Modular ASIC/FPGA Bitcoin miner |
bicon | | Bidirection text console |
bifrost | | Parallel construction, indexing and querying of de Bruijn graphs |
bigdft | | Massively parallel electronic structure code using a wavelet basis set |
bigloo | | Scheme development environment |
bind920 | | Berkeley Internet Name Daemon implementation of DNS, version 9.20 |
bindgraph | | Tool that makes graphs from BIND queries |
binutils | | GNU binary utilities |
binutils-git | | GNU binary utilities |
binutils-gold-git | | Fast linker for ELF files |
bio-mocha | | Bcftools plugin for mosaic chromosomal alteration analysis |
biolibc | | Low-level high-performance bioinformatics library |
biolibc-tools | | High-performance bioinformatics tools based on biolibc |
bioruby | | Intergrated environment for Bioinformatics using Ruby |
biostar-tools | | Meta-package for Biostar Handbook tools |
bip | | IRC proxy |
bitkeeper | | Distributed Source Control System |
bitlbee-purple | | IRC to other chat networks gateway (libpurple) |
blackbox_exporter | | Prometheus blackbox exporter |
blad | | Bibliotheques Lilloises Algebre Differentielle |
blast2go | | GO annotation and functional genome analysis |
bleachbit | | Bleachbit is a privacy and cleaning tool |
blink-git | | Tiniest x86-64-linux emulator |
blis | | Framework for instantiating BLAS libraries |
blueprint-compiler | | Markup language and compiler for GTK 4 user interfaces |
blueproxy | | RFCOMM <-> TCP proxy |
bluez | | Bluetooth scan, pair, connect and power toggle |
bluez-alsa | | Stream audio from/to a Bluetooth device |
bluez-gnome | | BlueZ helpers for Gnome |
bluez-hcidump | | Bluetooth packet analyzer |
bluez-hciemu | | HCI device emulator |
bluez-libs | | Linux Bluetooth Stack libraries |
bluez-utils | | Linux Bluetooth Stack utilities |
bmap | | Forensic tool to perform low-level operations on ext2 filesystems |
bmp-docklet | | BMP Dock applet |
boa | | Small HTTP server |
bogomips | | Unscientific measurement of CPU speed |
boinc-git | | Open-source software for volunteer computing |
bolt-lmm | | Statistics for testing association between phenotype and genotypes |
bonnie++-current | | Enhanced performance Test of Filesystem I/O |
boost-asynchronous | | An asynchronous C++ library |
boost-libs-2017Q1 | | Free, peer-reviewed portable C++ source libraries (binary libraries) |
boost-mp11 | | A C++11 metaprogramming library |
boost-test-suite | | Run the Boost test suite |
boost-threadpool | | Cross-platform C++ thread pool library |
bore | | DNS query tool |
boringssl | | Fork of OpenSSL designed to meet Google's needs |
boron | | Scripting language similar to REBOL |
botan3-git | | Portable, easy to use, and efficient C++ crypto library (v3) |
bowtie2 | | Ultrafast, memory-efficient short read aligner |
bpcscripts | | Gast Illumina processing |
bpytop | | Stats for processor, memory, disks, network and processes |
brain-mesh-builder | | Surface mesh building based on 3-dimensional image stacks |
breakpad | | Client and server components for a crash reporting system |
breeze | | Artwork, styles and assets for the Breeze visual style for the Plasma Desktop |
breeze-gtk | | Breeze widget theme for GTK 2 and 3 |
bridge-utils | | Ethernet bridging utilities for GNU/Linux |
briquolo | | 3D breakout based on OpenGL |
briskmenu | | Modern Menu for MATE-Desktop |
brlcad | | Cross-platform solid modeling system |
brogue | | Brogue is a modern Roguelike game |
brogue-ce | | Community edition of the brogue roguelike game |
browserpass-native | | Browserpass native client app |
brumbrumrally | | Racing game with randomized tracks |
bsa | | Cross-assembler for 6502-like processors |
bscript | | Portable, fast, lightweight BASIC interpreter |
bsdbuild | | BSD-licensed portable build system |
bsddialog | | TUI Dialogs and Widgets |
bsfilter | | Bayesian spam filter written in Ruby |
bsh | | Java scripting environment |
bsnmp | | Minimal SNMP daemon |
bss | | Bluetooth Stack Smasher |
bstone | | Source port of Blake Stone game engines |
bsvc | | Extensible hardware simulation framework with MC68K support |
btop-git | | Colorful TTY resource monitor |
bub-n-bros | | Multiplayer crazy clone of Bubble Bobble |
buddy | | Github based (newer) version of devel/buddy |
budgie-desktop | | Budgie desktop env |
budgie-screensaver | | Requirement for budgie desktop |
bugsx | | Draws biomorphs based on parametric plots and lets you play with them |
bugzilla | | Web based bug tracking system |
bulk-test-llvm | | Meta-package for testing LLVM |
bun | | The Bun JavaScript runtime |
bup-git | | Highly efficient file backup system based on the git packfile format |
bupstash | | Easy and efficient encrypted backups |
busybox | | The Swiss Army Knife of Embedded Linux |
bwa | | Map low-divergent sequences against a large reference genome |
byzanz | | TODO: Short description of the package |
c-graph | | Convolution Theorem Visualization |
c-news | | The 3rd generation USENET news server |
c2go | | Tool for transpiling C to Go |
c2rust | | Translate C modules into semantically equivalent Rust code |
cabal2pkg | | Tool to automate importing/updating Haskell packages in pkgsrc |
cacti-plugin-aggregate | | Aggregate plugin to cacti |
cacti-plugin-monitor | | Monitor plugin to cacti |
cacti-plugin-realtime | | Provides a method to view Cacti graphs with a resolution of upto 5 sec |
cacti-plugin-rrdclean | | Cacti RRD File Cleaner |
cacti-plugin-settings | | Settings plugin to cacti |
cacti-plugin-thold | | Treshold plugin to cacti |
cacti-plugin-weathermap | | Generate maps and diagrams using data collected by Cacti |
mk | | Subfolder |