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bfgminer Modular ASIC/FPGA Bitcoin miner
bicon Bidirection text console
bifrost Parallel construction, indexing and querying of de Bruijn graphs
bigdft Massively parallel electronic structure code using a wavelet basis set
bigloo Scheme development environment
bind920 Berkeley Internet Name Daemon implementation of DNS, version 9.20
bindgraph Tool that makes graphs from BIND queries
binutils GNU binary utilities
binutils-git GNU binary utilities
binutils-gold-git Fast linker for ELF files
bio-mocha Bcftools plugin for mosaic chromosomal alteration analysis
biolibc Low-level high-performance bioinformatics library
biolibc-tools High-performance bioinformatics tools based on biolibc
bioruby Intergrated environment for Bioinformatics using Ruby
biostar-tools Meta-package for Biostar Handbook tools
bip IRC proxy
bitkeeper Distributed Source Control System
bitlbee-purple IRC to other chat networks gateway (libpurple)
blackbox_exporter Prometheus blackbox exporter
blad Bibliotheques Lilloises Algebre Differentielle
blast2go GO annotation and functional genome analysis
bleachbit Bleachbit is a privacy and cleaning tool
blink-git Tiniest x86-64-linux emulator
blis Framework for instantiating BLAS libraries
blueprint-compiler Markup language and compiler for GTK 4 user interfaces
blueproxy RFCOMM <-> TCP proxy
bluez Bluetooth scan, pair, connect and power toggle
bluez-alsa Stream audio from/to a Bluetooth device
bluez-gnome BlueZ helpers for Gnome
bluez-hcidump Bluetooth packet analyzer
bluez-hciemu HCI device emulator
bluez-libs Linux Bluetooth Stack libraries
bluez-utils Linux Bluetooth Stack utilities
bmap Forensic tool to perform low-level operations on ext2 filesystems
bmp-docklet BMP Dock applet
boa Small HTTP server
bogomips Unscientific measurement of CPU speed
boinc-git Open-source software for volunteer computing
bolt-lmm Statistics for testing association between phenotype and genotypes
bonnie++-current Enhanced performance Test of Filesystem I/O
boost-asynchronous An asynchronous C++ library
boost-libs-2017Q1 Free, peer-reviewed portable C++ source libraries (binary libraries)
boost-mp11 A C++11 metaprogramming library
boost-test-suite Run the Boost test suite
boost-threadpool Cross-platform C++ thread pool library
bore DNS query tool
boringssl Fork of OpenSSL designed to meet Google's needs
boron Scripting language similar to REBOL
botan3-git Portable, easy to use, and efficient C++ crypto library (v3)
bowtie2 Ultrafast, memory-efficient short read aligner
bpcscripts Gast Illumina processing
bpytop Stats for processor, memory, disks, network and processes
brain-mesh-builder Surface mesh building based on 3-dimensional image stacks
breakpad Client and server components for a crash reporting system
breeze Artwork, styles and assets for the Breeze visual style for the Plasma Desktop
breeze-gtk Breeze widget theme for GTK 2 and 3
bridge-utils Ethernet bridging utilities for GNU/Linux
briquolo 3D breakout based on OpenGL
briskmenu Modern Menu for MATE-Desktop
brlcad Cross-platform solid modeling system
brogue Brogue is a modern Roguelike game
brogue-ce Community edition of the brogue roguelike game
browserpass-native Browserpass native client app
brumbrumrally Racing game with randomized tracks
bsa Cross-assembler for 6502-like processors
bscript Portable, fast, lightweight BASIC interpreter
bsdbuild BSD-licensed portable build system
bsddialog TUI Dialogs and Widgets
bsfilter Bayesian spam filter written in Ruby
bsh Java scripting environment
bsnmp Minimal SNMP daemon
bss Bluetooth Stack Smasher
bstone Source port of Blake Stone game engines
bsvc Extensible hardware simulation framework with MC68K support
btop-git Colorful TTY resource monitor
bub-n-bros Multiplayer crazy clone of Bubble Bobble
buddy Github based (newer) version of devel/buddy
budgie-desktop Budgie desktop env
budgie-screensaver Requirement for budgie desktop
bugsx Draws biomorphs based on parametric plots and lets you play with them
bugzilla Web based bug tracking system
bulk-test-llvm Meta-package for testing LLVM
bun The Bun JavaScript runtime
bup-git Highly efficient file backup system based on the git packfile format
bupstash Easy and efficient encrypted backups
busybox The Swiss Army Knife of Embedded Linux
bwa Map low-divergent sequences against a large reference genome
byzanz TODO: Short description of the package
c-graph Convolution Theorem Visualization
c-news The 3rd generation USENET news server
c2go Tool for transpiling C to Go
c2rust Translate C modules into semantically equivalent Rust code
cabal2pkg Tool to automate importing/updating Haskell packages in pkgsrc
cacti-plugin-aggregate Aggregate plugin to cacti
cacti-plugin-monitor Monitor plugin to cacti
cacti-plugin-realtime Provides a method to view Cacti graphs with a resolution of upto 5 sec
cacti-plugin-rrdclean Cacti RRD File Cleaner
cacti-plugin-settings Settings plugin to cacti
cacti-plugin-thold Treshold plugin to cacti
cacti-plugin-weathermap Generate maps and diagrams using data collected by Cacti
mk Subfolder